Tuesday, December 14, 2010

What Year Was Fao Schwarz Established

What Year Was Fao Schwarz EstablishedWhat Year Was Fao Schwarz Established: The Toys R Us  Scavenger hunt has a lot of moms scouring the Internet to find out what  year FAO Schwartz was founded.? The store, which has been featured in  numerous hit films including the Tom Hanks hit Big, has been around  since 1862 and is the oldest toy retailer in the United States.? It is  now the destination of many celebrities to do their luxury toy stockups  especially at their New York City flagship location.

FAO Schwarz wasn't always a luxury toy retailer having gotten its  start in Baltimore in 1862 where it operated under the name of Toy  Bazaar.? The store which was owned by Frederick August Otto Schwarz  soon? expanded to Philadelphia and Boston.?? It wasn't until 1880 that  the Scwarz family moved its operations to New York City where it laid  claim to being the largest dealer of toys in the city.? In 1896, the  Schwarz family brought Santa Clause into the mix by proclaiming itself  "The Original Santa Headquarters in New York".


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